O workday control of the professional driver is mandatory, and it is the employer's responsibility to offer the driver a journey control option.
But, as we know, who controls the driving time is the driver himself, so the responsibility for this control is mutual.
SIGA+, meeting the needs of companies that employ professional drivers, has developed efficient technological solutions for journey control, efficiently assisting in the management of timesheets.

Reality in numbers and facts

Sleep and fatigue account for 60% of accidents in the country
42% of accidents caused by sleep and 18% of accidents caused by fatigue

Labor lawsuits
According to as CNDT statistics, which lists the 100 largest debtor companies with labor lawsuits in Brazil, reports that the road sector accumulates 16.01% of cases where the justice has already granted its favorable opinion to the former employee, totaling 14,168 cases out of the 88,471 related.

declarative record
With Law 13.103 in force, it is the company's obligation to give the driver the condition to carry out the logbook in a declarative way and to have detailed control of the journey.

Overtime at excess
Overtime is one of the main causes for labor lawsuits. In fact, many entrepreneurs do not really know how the overtime worked by employees occurs, or even have no way of proving it, since there are no records.
our solution

Journey Control
Our journey system was created to adapt to the company's rules, according to law 13.103, monitoring the driver in real time.

Legal Support
With the accompaniment of the driver, declaring his point, through the on-board keyboard, it increases the legal support in future actions against the company.

regularization of overtime
Law 13.103 gave the opportunity to better qualify the driver's journey, so that companies lost many hours when the driver was on hold at a customer, today we can re-qualify and reduce overtime cost.

happy drivers
We all know that we need to be rested to carry out our work in high performance, tuning the hours, respecting the interstices, and the programmed rests, everyone wins.